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Galle GmbH Sonnewalde – In Harmony with Nature 

We are There for You… 

…in Forest and Woodland

With expe­ri­en­ced forestry workers, sta­te-of-the-art envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly machi­nery, geared towards sus­taina­bi­li­ty and high envi­ron­men­tal standards.

…in Landscape and Garden

Our pro­fes­sio­nal gar­den­ers and land­scapers lay out, among other things, green are­as, gar­dens, out­door and pond faci­li­ties accor­ding to your wishes.

…for the Cycle of Nature

We take lea­ves, green was­te and other vege­ta­ble raw mate­ri­als from you for com­pos­ting in gent­le pro­ces­sing accor­ding to cer­ti­fied procedures.

From March 8th, 2025: Open again on Saturdays

Due to the fine wea­ther, begin­ning from March 8th, 2025 we are again open on Satur­days from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.!

RAL quality compost and bark mulch only available on request

RAL qua­li­ty com­post and bark mulch are curr­ent­ly only available on request. Plea­se cont­act us if you are inte­res­ted and ask about availability.

Current Vacancies

We are hiring imme­dia­te­ly a mecha­nic (m/​​f/​​d)!

For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on plea­se see „Vacan­ci­es“!

Currently no Acceptance of Loam Break

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we are curr­ent­ly unable to accept loam break waste.

We thank you for your under­stan­ding and will inform you as soon as an accep­tance is pos­si­ble again.

Our Company 

Gal­le GmbH is a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny for forestry ser­vices, gar­dening and land­sca­ping, com­pos­ting and soil pro­duc­tion in the Elbe-Els­ter dis­trict in the south of Bran­den­burg. It meets high envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards in harm­o­ny with natu­re, is cer­ti­fied as a was­te manage­ment com­pa­ny and with the RAL qua­li­ty seals for forest and land­scape manage­ment and for composting.

Location, Directions and Contact 


Gal­le GmbH
Am Flug­platz Nr. 1
03249 Son­ne­wal­de OT Großbahren

Phone and E-Mail

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-0
Fax: +49 35323 68916-20

Opening Hours

Mon­day – Fri­day:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Satur­day: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
(Plea­se note announcements!)

Your Contact Partners 


Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916 -0

Landscaping and

Sieg­mar Hille

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916- 0

and Soils:

Cor­du­la Roland

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-12

Follow Us on Social Media 

  • instagram
  • facebook

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