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We are There for You: For the Cycle of Nature 

You have lea­ves, green was­te and other vege­ta­ble raw mate­ri­als? We will be hap­py to take them off your hands. They are gent­ly pro­ces­sed and used for com­pos­ting in a cer­ti­fied pro­cess (for qua­li­ty mark test cri­te­ria plea­se see The result is a high-qua­li­ty, natu­ral soil impro­ver with a fer­ti­li­zing effect. Dif­fe­rent soils can be pre­pared and offe­red accor­ding to the respec­ti­ve soil con­di­ti­ons and plant needs.

We offer:

  • Top­soil, also cal­led acti­ve soil, is sui­ta­ble for plan­ting and see­ding area. As a dome­stic pro­duct of san­dy soil, it is refi­ned with compost.
  • Pot­ting soil is a plan­ting sub­stra­te made of natu­ral pro­ducts wit­hout peat. It con­ta­ins nati­ve com­post, wood and coco­nut fibers, and orga­nic fertilizers.
  • Bark mulch pro­tects plan­ted beds, green are­as or front gar­dens from dry­ing out due to sun and wind, but also from ero­si­on and sil­ting during hea­vy rain and pro­mo­tes acti­ve life in the soil.
  • Com­post for soil impro­ve­ment accor­ding to spe­ci­fic needs can be purcha­sed as rea­dy-made com­post, fresh com­post and sub­stra­te com­post in dif­fe­rent grain sizes.
  • All pro­ducts are sui­ta­ble for gar­dening and land­sca­ping as well as for home gar­dens. They can be purcha­sed loo­se and in 20- and 40-liter bags from the yard; for lar­ger quan­ti­ties, we are also hap­py to pro­vi­de pal­lets for self-coll­ec­tion or delivery.
  • As a cer­ti­fied was­te manage­ment com­pa­ny, we accept your tree pru­ning, gar­den was­te and lea­ves.

Contact us!

Your cont­act for com­pos­ting and soils:

Cor­du­la Roland

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-12
» cont­act form